Eurochocolate 2015, International Chocolate Exhibition, presents the XXII edition: #MustaChoc, the festival where you can really “eat your mustache!” from the 16th to the 25th October.
“This year Eurochocolate will merge the timeless passion for chocolate with the allure of mustache, described by a funny Italian wordplay claim that reminds chocolate sweet taste”
says Eugenio Guarducci, Eurochocolate President.
The fashionable chocolate look is going to be protagonist of the event with many initiatives, ranging form exhibitions to competitions, and inspire fun gadgets and chocolate products. Eurochocolate wants to broaden the concept of sweetness that has always characterized the event by bringing chocolate experts to the festival and allowing the visitors to interact directly with them and chocolate.
All people are invited to see the biggest chocolate mustache sculpture Guinness World Record.
MustaChoc is also the new Costruttori Di Dolcezze (by Eurochocolate) products line with themustache shape chocolate lollipops, sweet chocolate liqueurs and the new Choco Gadget (by Eurochocolate) like mugs, T-shirts, gloves, biscuit moulds, smartphone covers and much more.
#MustaChoc, Eat your mustache!